Animal Farm, with its combination of political allegory and children’s fairy tale, still fascinates readers all over the world. When the animals on Manor Farm overthrow their human master, they attempt to create a utopian state which will give them freedom and equality and be an example to the rest of the world. However, they soon discover that some animals are more equal than others. Orwell explores the dark side of human nature showing how greed and selfishness can lead to tyranny if people are not aware of what is happening around them.
This apparently simple novella gives a clear picture of how power corrupts and how easy it is to manipulate the truth, themes which are just as relevant today as they were in 1945.
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4,90€ - Spedizione Standard
2,45€ - Da 40 a 80 € di spesa
GRATIS - Sopra gli 80€ di spesa
GRATIS - Modalità Ritiro in negozio (il negozio è a Mantova)
4,90€ - Spedizione Standard
GRATIS - Sopra gli 80€ di spesa
4,90€ - Le isole minori e il lido di Venezia sono servite con piego di libri raccomandato di Poste
*Le spese di spedizione possono subire variazioni se l'ordine contiene prodotti di grandi dimensioni o ha un peso elevato. Tutte le specifiche sono indicate nella pagina Spedizioni e resi
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